Walpaper by Lunarpup
Walpaper By Lunarpup
Merry Meet and warmest Hugs!
Over time, I've managed to acumulate lots of graphics I had posted to Pagan Crossroads as walpaper. With a 3mb storage limit with MSN, and not willing to fork out the $$ for more, I decided to dedicate a small section on my website to Archive the walpapers for easy access. I do hope you enjoy, and find this useful.
As I said above, this is a part of my web site....
If you like what you see here, there is much more, plus thoughts, poems, short stories...etc.
Just click the pic....
OK, enough shamless self promotions...hehehehe >:o):
Much Love n Light,
Lunarpup >:o):
(Right Click and choose open in new window/tab. Music will keep playing)
More Hehehe